dance choreography

Ideas To Help You Make Dance Choreography

Do you love putting together your dance choreography but find yourself stuck when coming up with new ideas? Have no fear, help is here! In this blog post, we’ll provide some unique and creative tips that will help you come up with inspiring dance choreography so you can show off all of your hard work on the floor. No matter what genre of dance you enjoy the most, these innovative methods can give even the most experienced dancers a leg up in creating incredible routines full of energy and passion. With just a few simple steps, you’ll be able to take your dancing to entirely new levels! Let’s explore how to get started creating memorable performances that everyone will remember for years to come.

Brainstorm a core theme that you can use to create your dance choreography

dance choreography

My dance choreography is going to be inspired by the theme of discovery! As I craft each movement, I will try to convey the stories and emotions of self-discovery and exploration. Each step in the dance will contain elements that allow my audience to travel along with me and get a glimpse of those moments when we connect more deeply with ourselves. It’s an ambitious and exciting undertaking, but I’m confident that I will be able to create something truly special for all to experience!

Make sure to have a good understanding of the music you choose for your routine

good understanding of the music

When putting together the perfect twirl routine, understanding the music you choose is key! After all, your performance should incrementally build in intensity to reach a big crescendo at the climax. That’s why it’s important to fully understand how each part of your chosen music fits together and meshes with the other pieces you plan on performing. Sure, some free-form jazz or experimental sounds can be fun in their own right, but if there’s one time when precision matters most, it’s when you create your routines for competition! So before you hit that stage, make sure you know your music like the back of your hand. It’ll pay off in spades come showtime!

Start with basic movements and add onto them as you go along

basic movements

Stretching can be a great way to start your day and get moving! Starting with basic movements and gradually adding onto them as you go along can help make it increasingly easier to improve and progress. Not only can this help improve your flexibility, but it can also help with body posture and strengthening your bones. Working up to more advanced stretches gives you greater control of how far you push yourself, allowing you to experiment and discover what feels best for your body. Don’t forget to have some fun while doing it too!

Try different types of movement, such as jumps, turns, and slides, to enhance your routine

different step

Spice up your workouts with some jumps, turns, and slides! These movements can provide you with a new challenge while exercising and help make your routine more exciting. Not only will they help mix things up, but they could also improve your coordination and even work different muscles than you usually use during your typical workout. So don’t be afraid to add some of these moves into the mix- you might even find it adds an extra spark to your routine!

Break up the routine into sections so that it’s easier to keep track of what moves come next

different routine

Breaking up the routine into sections can be an exciting way to ensure you’re never left wondering what move comes next! Planning out a routine in advance and breaking it down into smaller chunks helps keep consistency, stay motivated, and, most importantly, stay interested. Being able to mark off one section at a time allows for greater focus and more thorough learning about each move in the routine. This will have you confidently hitting your next move with the assurance that every gathered detail was thoroughly learned. Try it and start seeing results today!

Have fun experimenting with different combinations of steps, patterns, and transitions

dance patterns

Are you feeling creative today? Do you feel like doing something new and different with your dancing? Why not have some fun experimenting with different combinations of steps, patterns, and transitions? You can combine your favorite styles; whether swing, ballet, hip-hop, or any other to come up with something unique. Don’t be afraid to shake things up a bit! Gather your friends, choose a song to groove to, and start testing out your ideas. Who knows where this will take you? Put on your dancing shoes, and let the fun begin!


It’s time to get creative and make the dance choreography of your dreams! You have all the tools to design a unique and engaging routine that will wow your audience. Remember, it’s all about exploring different patterns, transitions, and movements to find what works best for you. Whether you choose upbeat music for a high-energy performance or something more reserved for a smoother approach, being intentional is the key to success. With practice and dedication, your dance choreography will be ready to take center stage in no time! So dare to dream big and craft some fantastic dance moves! Contact us or visit our Facebook page for more dance choreography.