
Choosing the Right Dance Style for Your Child

Dance is more than just a series of movements. It’s a way for children to express themselves, boost their confidence, and develop discipline. It allows kids to channel their energy, emotions, and creativity. As they twirl, jump, and glide, they learn techniques and discover more about themselves and their world. With so many dance styles available today, parents might feel unsure which suits their child best. Does your child have a flair for the classics like ballet or the rhythm of tap dance? Or maybe they prefer the modern beats of hip-hop or the storytelling aspect of cultural dances?

The journey of finding the right dance style for your child can be both enlightening and exciting. As you read on, you’ll gain insights to help you make an informed decision, ensuring your child’s experience with dance is both fulfilling and enjoyable.

Understanding Your Child’s Preferences

Every child is unique, with their preferences and personalities. Recognising and respecting these preferences is the first step in choosing the right dance style.

Observations at Home

Watch how your child moves when they hear music. Do they have graceful, flowing movements, or are they more energetic with sharp, defined moves? These observations give you clues about which dance styles suit them.

Their Favourite Music

Children often enjoy dance styles that match their favourite type of music. A child who loves classical tunes might enjoy ballet, while one who’s always tapping their feet to pop hits might find hip-hop or jazz more appealing.

Ask Them

Sometimes, the best approach is simply to ask. Sit down with your child and discuss various dance styles. Show them videos or pictures to gauge their reactions. Their excitement for a particular style can be a clear indicator.

Exploring Popular Dance Styles for Kids

With so many dance styles out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. Here’s a brief overview of some of the most popular ones for kids:


Ballet dance emphasises grace, poise, and discipline and is often considered the foundation of many other dance styles. It’s ideal for children who enjoy structured, flowing movements and classical music.


Energetic and fun, jazz dance is all about expressiveness. With its roots in African and Caribbean dance traditions, it has evolved to include a range of movements set to popular and show tunes.


Born on the streets, hip-hop dance is about free movement, rhythm, and individuality. Hip-hop might be their style if your child loves to move to the latest chart-toppers and has a flair for dynamic moves.


Tap dancing is as much about sound as movement. It teaches kids rhythm and coordination and is perfect for those who enjoy making noise with their feet and moving to beats.


A blend of ballet, jazz, and lyrical dance, contemporary dance emphasises storytelling and emotions. It’s an excellent choice for kids who love expressing themselves and interpreting music uniquely.

Cultural Dance Styles Worth Considering

While many popular dance styles have their charm, exploring cultural dances can be an enriching experience for kids. It teaches them dance techniques and offers insights into diverse cultures, traditions, and histories.


Originating from the Andalusian region of Spain, Flamenco is a passionate and fiery dance form. Characterised by its footwork, hand claps, and expressive movements, it allows kids to immerse themselves in Spanish culture and music.


One of the oldest dance forms from India, Bharatanatyam, is rich in tradition and storytelling. With its intricate footwork, hand gestures, and facial expressions, it teaches kids the art of narrating tales through dance.

Irish Dance

Known worldwide, especially due to shows like Riverdance, Irish dance is lively and emphasises footwork. Its rhythmic beats and quick steps make it perfect for kids who love energy and coordination.


This Brazilian dance is about rhythm, joy, and festivities. Often associated with the famous Rio Carnival, Samba offers kids a chance to experience the vibrant culture of Brazil, emphasising beats, movement, and celebration.

African Tribal Dance

Rooted in the rich traditions of various African tribes, this dance form is all about community, storytelling, and connection with nature. The powerful drum beats, energetic jumps, and communal spirit make it a unique experience for kids.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Dance Style

Selecting the right dance style for your child isn’t just about what’s popular or visually appealing. It’s about aligning the dance form with your child’s interests, capabilities, and goals. Here are some essential factors to consider:

Physical Demands

Each dance style has its own set of physical requirements. Ballet might focus on posture and flexibility, while hip-hop can be more about strength and agility. Assess your child’s physical strengths and preferences to find a suitable match.

Class Availability

Not all dance styles might be readily available in your area. Before deciding on a particular form, check the local dance schools or community centres to see which classes are accessible.

Performance Opportunities

Some kids love the spotlight and thrive on stage, while others prefer the learning process. Explore the recital, competition, and showcase opportunities associated with each dance style.

Cultural and Personal Resonance

As highlighted earlier, some dance forms resonate deeply with cultural roots. If fostering a connection with cultural heritage is essential, styles like Bharatanatyam or Flamenco might be more fitting. On the other hand, if your child leans more toward contemporary culture, hip-hop or jazz styles could be more suitable.

Duration of Commitment

Certain dance styles require a longer commitment to master. If your child or family prefers shorter-term engagements or trial periods, this is a factor worth considering.

Cost Implications

Dance classes, costumes, shoes, and recital fees can add up. While passion and interest are paramount, it’s also practical to consider the financial aspect when choosing a dance style.

The Importance of Experimentation

In dance, exploration and experimentation are essential. Dance is about self-discovery as much as learning steps or techniques. Here’s why it’s important to encourage your child to try various dance forms:

Broadening Horizons

Experiencing multiple dance styles allows children to appreciate the diversity of the dance world. It exposes them to different cultures, music, and storytelling techniques, enriching their understanding.

Identifying True Passion

Sometimes, trying out various forms helps children discover their true passion. Your child might start with ballet but find they love tap dancing. Experimentation can lead to that eureka moment.

Developing Versatility

Training in multiple dance forms enhances versatility. A well-rounded dancer can adapt to different choreographies, making their approach more flexible and innovative.

Building Resilience

Not every dance style will resonate with your child, and that’s okay. Trying different styles and moving past the ones that don’t click can teach resilience and the importance of persistence.

Developing Social Skills

Each dance class offers a new social environment with different students and teachers. Experimenting with various classes can enhance a child’s social skills, making them more adaptable and open.


Dance is a beautiful blend of art, emotion, and expression. Guiding our children through dance isn’t about finding the most popular or prestigious style but discovering what resonates with their hearts. Whether they love ballet’s structured elegance, tap’s rhythmic beats, or traditional dances’ cultural stories, the journey will be transformative.

Kew School of Dance offers various dance styles for your child to explore. Remember, the goal is not perfection but passion. Encourage exploration, support their choices, and watch as they learn dance steps and valuable life lessons. Contact us at 03 9123 8458 / 0410 311 008 to start your child’s dance journey today.